Everyone remembers those giggly girls who always got into so much trouble in elementary school. Well, I was one of *those* girls. I would start giggling when a friend made a face or told a funny joke. And once I started, I kept giggling…and giggling…and giggling. Even when the teacher finally made me sit in the hallway until I could settle down - I’d still be giggling. Fast forward a few decades and guess what? The giggly girl has grown into a woman who still enjoys laughing, but knows when to stop. Usually.
As a B2B marketer, I have learned the importance of injecting humor into business. Why should kids have all the fun? People in business obviously embrace all the cats and memes that dominate the Internet these days. A lot of us turn to YouTube for a variety of reasons, including a good laugh, every once in awhile. YouTube reports we upload approximately 70+ hours of videos to the platform every minute.
YouTube is packed with business videos, too. Many videos contain instructional and educational content, but just as many are made to entertain. I’ll share these with you because they made me laugh…and I hope they make you laugh, too!
B2B Marketing - Funny Look at The Battle Between Sales and Marketing…
Okay, it’s true this debate is not really funny and is actually rather frustrating in real life…especially if you’re the B2B marketer. Seriously though, this debate happens all the time in a business. I appreciate the banter - and the emotionless tones - in this video. It appeals to my wicked sense of humor. The person who created this video also shows how funny taking ourselves so seriously can be.
Steve Jobs Funniest Joke. Even Bill Gates Laughs!
Hands down, I think Steve Jobs knew the art of serving business with a side of humor. No doubt, he was a shrewd business man, but also knew how to be human - and funny. Jobs succeeds in making Bill Gates laugh, which makes this video even funnier.
Funny Business Meeting
The group behind the creation of this video used subtitles and voice-overs to make a snippet from the movie 300 into a humorous business meeting. And yes, they even remind us to follow the dress code!
I found so many funny videos for business on YouTube. I could easily spend hours enjoying them and laughing…but alas, I have to work, too. On a serious note, humor is not going to work in every business transaction. Using humor often works as an ice-breaker before a business presentation or when networking. When the time arrives to get down to business, so to speak, you will need to know your prospect and decide whether they appreciate jokes or prefer more serious conversations. And knowing when to stop laughing? That’s important as well.
I haven’t set up a YouTube account, but do indulge in Pinterest. If you like social media humor, you’ll enjoy my “Social Media Humor” board. Click here to check it out! I’m adding funny pins to it all the time - let me know if there are any you would suggest!
YouTube Statistics: http://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html
Rocky Walls: http://www.convinceandconvert.com/video/video-4-mistakes-you-make-when-posting-video-on-your-blog/
Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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- @semrush Sorry I had to miss this chat, I'll bet it was great. Will have to try again next time! about 5 hours ago from Hootsuite in reply to semrush ReplyRetweetFavorite
- RT @TweakYourBiz: #TYBCommunity RU: A Modern Day Goliath (Facebook) & Figuring Out The FB Generation http://t.co/HQU0blvCR2 about 7 hours ago from Sprout Social ReplyRetweetFavorite
- @_Sians :) 10:07:08 PM April 13, 2015 from Hootsuite in reply to _Sians ReplyRetweetFavorite
- @_Sians Thanks for including my article! 12:41:34 PM April 13, 2015 from Hootsuite in reply to _Sians ReplyRetweetFavorite
[…] Include a Quote or Quick Story Including a quote from a well-known person is a great attention grabber in the first few sentences. A quick story can also draw in the reader by making them laugh or by providing the gist of your article. Jennifer G. Hanford from j+ Media Solutions does an excellent job with capturing the reader’s attention by opening her articles with short anecdotes. For an example, please visit her article, Business With a Side of Humor? Yes, Please! (Video). […]