email campaigns

Do you think email is going away in this day of social media? Think again! Well-executed email campaigns are still among the most efficient and effective ways to reach your audiences. Businesses often benefit from the low cost and high returns associated with this type of campaign.

A large portion of consumers prefer to get offers via email and more than half of the 2 billion Internet users worldwide are more likely to buy after getting a marketing email. The rates increase when you target your email message and offering to the appropriate recipients.

j+ is here to get you started with your email campaigns. We’ll help you take your marketing to the next level by getting results, driving traffic, and generating leads. We are prepared to assist you through the following solutions:

  • Professionally customized email newsletters to match your logo, website, and style
  • Customized email templates for a variety of scenarios, markets, and buyer personas
  • Suggestions and examples on the right type of content to improve Open and Click Through rates

Are you ready to get started on your next email campaign? Contact j+ Media Solutions to see how we can improve your email solutions today.